Wednesday, May 1, 2019

How Indian affairs led to tadays foreign affairs Essay

How Indian affairs direct to tadays foreign affairs - Essay ExampleIt is evident that the evolution of the United States has led to it becoming a superpower. In most cases, the ideology is that it grew from the declaration of independence however, the nature of the United States cannot be merely say or considered to be based on its independence. The lands that the country has grown from must be attributed to the Native American Indians, who roamed the land prior to the American establishment. The instruction of the United States cannot be solely attributed to the land various ideologies and factors were copied or integrated into the nature of the existence of the United States. It is considered that there are number of founding truths that serve to apologise or illustrate the existence and development of the United States. The truths cannot be overlooked as they are an be factor in American history. As the first individuals to reside on the land now know as the United States, th ey were an isolated tribe and it meant that they were quite peaceful in their nature. Their wipeout came after capital of Ohio set foot onto the land, where 90 percent died due to exposure to diseases. Since they were unable to counter the diseases, they were fell disgusted and died. This provided the aspect of the element of development of cures for diseases such as syphilis to avoid a case of the evacuation of the Native Americans. The American Indians whitethorn have been far inferior to the Americans based historical events. However, the element of the American Indians served to provide a model as to how the Americans can establish their foreign policy. With regard to developing a foreign policy, the hospitality that was given to Columbus upon his arrival in North America is something that is used and shown in the American nature both inside and outside the country. The United States is eager to help other countries and they do this through the use of funding and use of labor to support a cause or ideology. This may not have been the aspects that the Native Americans used during their time. However, the ideology that was used at the time is similar in the agency in which it was applied. The Bill of Rights can be attributed to the Influence of the Native Americans. Thomas Jefferson noticed the manner I which the Indians who were used as slaves felt the effects of their oppression, and it influenced the development of the measuring of rights, which is an illustration of the elements that can be considered to be the tools that define an individuals freedom. The Bill of rights can be considered to be influenced by the Indians as their nature or lack of freedom limitation was an ideology that was applied in the development of the bill of rights. The United States of America can also be considered to be an establishment that was also influenced by the American Indians. The latter lived in different communities that were based on tribes but still part of a c orporal unit based on whom they were (American Indians). The use of different communities that were still in the same region influenced the development of the states of America but still collectively considered to be a country. The respect for boundaries is a policy that is utilize even today. Regarding Canada and Mexico, the development of the boundaries are well respected and that can be attributed to the Native Americans who had a widely distributed respect for their territories and their rules that were part

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